Posts Tagged ‘Raymond Aaron’

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Over the course of the weekend I had the opportunity to sit in the same room with some of the wealthiest people in the world; men recognised in the business world as successful, and people with a huge line of followers.

Being someone who loves leadership and grasping every opportunity to learn from those who have walked the road before us, I went to Sandton in Johannesburg to attend the Global Success Summit 2014. Various speakers spoke throughout the weekend, each sharing insights to some of the lessons they have learned. The panel included people such as Steve Wozniak (co founder of Apple), Jordan Belfort (The Wolf of Wall Street), Dr. John Demartini ( a thought-after behavioural specialist and expert in leadership development), Greg Secker (Internationally renowned master trader and multimillionaire by his twenties), Peter Sage, Andy Harrington, JT Foxx, Raymond Aaron, Gary Lafferty, Andrew Barsa, Francois Pienaar (1995 Rugby Captain), Siyabulela Xusa (Inspiring story of success from a South African who grew up in Umtata and now have a planet named after him), and a new friend made called Colin J Browne who just published a book that gives insights from 60 South African business leaders on how to create and maintain a brilliant organisational culture.

Looking at my notes I am thrilled to have taken down so much, however the application of it is where the next step is leading. It is Gary Lafferty who said that “Knowledge is not power, but action is. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but without action, actually applying it, you will remain powerless”. Dr. Demartini took it a step further by saying that “a leader is a person who has mastered the understanding to live a life with purpose beyond himself and his generation, someone who is building a legacy that other people can learn from and build upon”.

Although not exactly sure where to start, I do value the lessons learned from a personal mentor and friend Dr. Bill Taylor who made it his mission to teach leaders on how to become ‘reflective practitioners’. So in my quest to understand the application better, I will use my next few blogposts to reflect on my notes, sharing it with you to comment, give input, and share whatever thought is coming your way on anything these men had to say. So here it is: (more…)